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Code, hack, debug. Do all the miracles that you can with your laptops. Participate in these exhilarating Computer Science Engineering events.
ECE makes technology possible. Come, explore the endless possibilities in the world of ECE with these events. REGISTER
Take a break from the tech world and loosen up. Participate in these informal events. Don't raise your voice, improve your argument. It is better to debate a question without settling it than to settle a question without debating it.
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Spreading awareness about Cyber Crimes
Innerve’20 launched its social campaign, Cyber SeekCure, on 25th September 2020. The campaign’s aim was to spread awareness about cyber crimes and the techniques with which netizens could secure their cyberspace. The Cyber Blog India was announced as the knowledge partner of our social campaign, CyberSeekCure.
Responsible Online Behaviour Event conducted in association with Cyber Peace Foundation
The online world has both keyboard warriors and cyber trolls but it lacks responsible netizens. What we post online speaks volumes about who we really are.
Cyber Security Experts
We all wonder what to do when something like this happens to us. Innerve'20, in its social campaign Cyber SeekCure, conducted an interactive session on Insta live with the cyber security experts from the Cyber Blog India
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ADDRESS James Church, New Church Road, Kashmere Gate 011-23900261